Gertie’s Book Launch Party!

Last Saturday, I made it to Gertie’s book launch party held at the Sewing Studio in the Garment District! I’m wearing my Muddy Waters dress (aka the Cambie Dress from Sewaholic Patterns). It was great fun! I absolutely loved Gertie’s 1950s-inspired dress – soooooo pretty. It’s a variation on her sundress pattern that’s included in the book. Basically I’d love to find a reason to make and wear this dress. :)

Here you can see I’m holding my signed copy of Gertie’s New Book for Better Sewing. Let me tell you, there are more than a few of these patterns that I can’t wait to sew. So hard to focus on the sewing pattern at hand when there are so many great ones out there! I would absolutely love to tackle the pencil skirt at some point. Definitely a great office wardrobe staple.

Please pardon the grainy photo!

Gertie was chatting with everyone all night, that must’ve been exhausting! I actually tested two patterns in the book – the Portrait Blouse and the Wiggle Dress – ages ago. Really, I remember thinking I couldn’t share these patterns for a whole year and a half. Yowsa! Alas, they’re still only in muslin stage, but I hope to sew up finished versions. At the end of the evening, Gertie cut up the cake and we all partook in the eating of it. An image of the book cover was the top of the cake. Don’t you just love the crowd of ladies visible in the mirror? I think that’s so cute!

I was thrilled when ladies (and Peter!) came up to me and either recognized me or my dress pattern. There was even talks of a fabric buying meet-up! It was great to meet other sewing enthusiasts in person and chat about each other’s dresses. I have to admit, I’m a bit shy when it comes to approaching people at parties, but I do like to chat with you, I promise! Needless to say, it was wonderful to meet all of you. :)

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8 thoughts on “Gertie’s Book Launch Party!

  1. You are so lucky, I can’t wait to get my ands on the book, but have no chance to meet Gertie in person unless she visits the UK!

    • You will love the book! So many great patterns and ideas for variations. If I were her, I’d definitely make a book stop in the UK!!

  2. Hi Amanda, it was good seeing you again. Sorry we didn’t get to chat longer. I’d definitely be up for a fabric meet up.

    • Thanks for commenting, Cindy! Good to see you again even if it was brief. I’d definitely love to do a fabric meet up one of these days. :)

  3. Hello! It was so great to meet you and talk sewing, shopping in NYC. Now that the weather has changed, I’ve thought a lot about that closet full of fun coats. Probably not this year, but someday! Can’t wait for that meet up. Let’s talk sewing!
    Leu, sewing in NYC

    • Hi Leu! Thanks for commenting. It was great to meet you too, I just loved your dress with its cute French print! Makes me long for spring already. :) Yes, let’s definitely plan a meet up – sounds like we have a nice little group forming!!

  4. Pingback: Progress, I Promise! « Sewin' in the Rain

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