To Paris with Fabric

Bonjour! I was lucky enough to visit France earlier this month and I bet you can guess what I did while I was in Paris… Yep, fabric shopping.

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So happy in my Minoru jacket. All fabric stores behind me!

I ventured into some of the bigger stores in Montmartre before checking out a smaller discount store. Two of the big stores had several floors of fabric, but only the first and second floors (or ground and first floors depending on where you come from!) had garment fabrics. As much as I’d love to say I made curtains from luxurious French fabrics, I’m not sure how much that’d go over when it came time to hauling that onboard the plane!

These fabric stores are located on a few streets close together. There was a ton of Liberty fabric to be had, but since they weren’t any cheaper than they are here in New York I decided to walk on by.

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Here is what I came away with! Three different pieces at great prices even when considering the exchange rate from euros to dollars. I’m thinking the navy polyester fabric with white polka-dots will become a winter blouse (polyester in a humid New York summer – no thanks).

The teal rayon knit with café crème stripes (hey, I did buy it in Paris!) will likely become a summer dress. With the sheer white viney fabric, I’m thinking of a button-down dress with a slip underneath using the McCall’s 6696 pattern I made over the summer.

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At this store, Les Coupons de Saint Pierre, all the fabric comes pre-cut 3 meters a piece. Each of these were 10 euros each so after the exchange rate I bought 9 meters of fabric for $40 total! That’s the equivalent of a little over 9 yards, which comes to $4/yard. Yippy, Les Coupons!

The above photo shows ladies using their x-ray vision to find the perfect fabric underneath all those piles. Seriously, I don’t know how I managed to find what I did. I usually need a little order when I shop!

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More piles of fabric outside!

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I love this. That’s only the famous Sacre Coeur looming over Paris’ fabric district! Even the plastic bag holding my fabric purchases had an image of the basilica on it. Now that’s classy.

October has been a very busy month for me with some fun (non-sewing) projects on the side. Couple that with getting back into the normal non-vacation routine and there hasn’t been much sewing going on at Sewin’ in the Rain Studios. But! I have cut out the pieces for the Charlotte skirt from By Hand London so there are high-waisted pencil skirts in my future.

I hope you’re having a great October! Anyone dressing up in me-made costumes for Halloween?

4 thoughts on “To Paris with Fabric

  1. Wow – what a great trip. Can’t wait to see what you sew up with your Paris fabric :-). Your Minoru jacket looks great.

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