Now Sewing: A Holiday Cocktail Dress!

Now Sewing

Please excuse my inner-entertainer, but I couldn’t resist this one. It takes me a while to post between projects as you know, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about sewing on a daily basis. So here’s a little “Now Sewing” feature from Sewin’ in the Rain Studios; a kind of “what’s on my sewing table”, if you will, only better because it’s just like the movies!

I snapped this photo of the glorious Orpheum Theatre marquee in downtown Los Angeles about 5 years ago. Really you must visit this gorgeous theater! I was attending a Harold Lloyd tribute (silent movie star) that night, but since that time management has been kind enough to update the lettering for my new production. What can I say? I have friends in high places. With Photoshop.

Anyway, here are the stars of the show set to premiere this month. Just in time for Oscar season, too!

m6462McCall’s 6462, aka the Greta Garbo of sewing patterns – I’ve only seen her in two reviews!

zebra-fabriczebra print knit

I’m happy to report I’m almost done with this dress! Just need to finish up a few things, such as hemming that circle skirt. Oh, Nelly…

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11 thoughts on “Now Sewing: A Holiday Cocktail Dress!

  1. Hey Amanda, I saw a couple of Harold Lloyd films a few years ago at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI). Loved them! He doesn’t seem to be very well known these days, which is a pity. I’d highly recommend your readers to see him on the big screen if the chance presents.

    • Very neat! It’s amazing how entertaining silent movies can be almost 100 years later. And there’s just something about seeing it on the big screen with an audience laughing away!

    • Ah, yes, the glitzy black dress that Tess McGill “borrows” for the evening! Now I feel like I need a black version with some sparkle. Probably will forgo the “Working Girl hair” though. ;)

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