A Sewing Room Valentine


Just happened to be looking through old photos on the Museum of the City of New York‘s website and came across this amazing sewing room! Had to share. Photos taken by Samuel H. Gottscho on February 14, 1936. Aw, the perfect Valentine’s Day gift!

The caption on each photo reads, “Good Housekeeping Studio, 57th Street and Eighth Avenue. Sewing Room.” A mere two blocks away from Central Park – think of the sewing photo opportunities!

Is this not such a cozy looking space? There’s even a chair for hand sewing while listening to a little Glenn Miller on the radio.


Love this one with the ironing board conveniently placed next to the sewing machine. And at just the right height too. You can sew a seam and then, without even getting up, turn and press that seam open.

I’m guessing that piece under the windows is for pattern storage (those file looking things at the bottom)? It also holds a pressing board for sleeves! But where’s the place for my fabric stash? ;)

The cutting table. Wow. I’d love to have that. Looks like a bodice is being prepped for cutting. And on the lower right-hand corner, the clamped tool that looks like a pencil sharpener…is that one of those thingies that pink your seams? I’ve seen them on eBay, I think.

Just look at that huge mirror for checking out how your garment is turning out as you’re sewing along. Wowser.

And did you notice the pin-it contraption for hems in all three photos? It’s on the floor next to the side table. This photo also shows some fabric shears at the lower-right corner – all ready for some fabric cutting!

This is a small space, but pretty luxurious for New York City standards. I can see myself being very happy here. Very happy, indeed.

My only question: where do I sign?

13 thoughts on “A Sewing Room Valentine

  1. Glenn Miller would definitely be playing in the background! I love that there are some real NYC/apartment dweller conventions like the drop down ironing board. Clearly my sewing room has never ever looked quite so uncluttered.

  2. I just came across this post. Interesting how it could be quickly put away and hidden! They probably didn’t need room for a fabric stash because they probably didn’t have them back then, unless they were a commercial enterprise!

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