My Burda 8292 Betty Coat

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Hey, everyone! So here’s my finished wool coat, Burda 8292. You can read more about the materials I used in this post. I’m so glad to have it finished! And, hey, spring’s late start around here turned out to be my gain, as I’ve been able to wear this coat over the course of this past week. The red pops against the snow, too! There’s a silver lining to everything, it seems. :)

I’m really happy with how this turned out. I think the design is very me, and I could definitely see myself using the pattern again at some point. Perhaps a springtime version? These photos were taken out on Long Island this past weekend. Yep, it snowed about 3-4″ there! What a difference an hour’s train ride can make (NYC wasn’t hit that hard and the snow had melted by the time I got back, if it ever stuck in the first place).

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Getting Started on Burda 8292, My Red Wool Coat

Another tailored coat! This time I’m using Burda 8292. The first one was McCall 5717 (is it McCall or McCall’s when you write the pattern name – that always confuses me). Two years later I still love wearing it.

I mentioned this project back in the fall, but I’ve only just put all my fabric and supplies together. It took me forever to settle on fabric and then a good deal forever more to figure out the lining. Decisions! Commitment!

Here’s what I’ve brewed up:

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Black and red are two impossible colors to photograph!

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