Tropical Colette Chantilly


Hi, everyone! Here we go again, another summer zooming by and I haven’t gotten through all the projects I wanted to tackle this season. Still haven’t made the shift to fall sewing though, so you’ll probably be seeing a few more summer outfits before I finally face reality. :)

In any case, here’s my latest creation: a tropical Chantilly dress by Colette Patterns. These photos were actually taken a few weeks ago, the day after I left my job. Then I left town for a bit before starting my next super awesome gig this month. Things have been busy, but happiness abounds.

I realized this isn’t a hard blog post to write because I already reviewed the Chantilly in this post from 2014. So…no more delays – write that post, Amanda!

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The Hetty White Cardigan

hetty cardigan

Greetings from sunny, springtime Brooklyn! I’ve managed to wedge myself between the Lower Manhattan skyline and the Brooklyn Bridge. How about that?

I’m proud of my red wool coat and all, but it’s time to bump it from the top of the blog. Snow, be gone! In its place, I present this spring outfit. It’s a new Hetty cardigan paired with my Colette Chantilly dress from last year.

Hetty was a quick knit. And, yes, I was rather pleased about naming it Hetty White (okay, so the yarn isn’t exactly white, but I’m going with it). I’ve been wanting a light neutral to pair with colorful spring outfits, and I believe this’ll do the trick.

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May Flowers “Colette Chantilly” Dress


Why, hello there! Today I’m super duper happy to share my newest dress just in time for some warm weather fun. Don’t you just love when pattern and fabric come together to so perfectly match your own style? I feel like a million bucks in this baby. I want to frolick in the meadow! Or enjoy some tea in Greenwich Village with friends on this summery day (and then get said friends to help take photos of my new dress!).

Originally I had intended to wear this dress for an event earlier this month, but some adjustments I made slowed me down and I didn’t want to rush something just for one day. Better to take the time to fix it and have a dress I’ll wear for many days! Even so, I still should’ve finished this weeks ago. Busy month, folks, busy month. :-D

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