Future Patterns: Thinking Practical

Let’s see, I’ve accumulated a good amount of patterns and fabric so far. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have as many as some, but it’s getting to the point where I’m accumulating faster than I can sew and I’m not a fan of this! It’s starting to make me feel unproductive. I feel like I can’t help it, and that it’ll all work itself out because I’ll eventually make stuff from them.

I’ve started to think about basics I’d like to have in my sewn wardrobe, and shorts and t-shirts are two of the things I thought of right away. During the summer, on a lazy day, I like wearing shorts as I lounge around the house. So then I happen to see this Kwik Sew pattern posted on Sew L.A.’s Facebook page, and I love it!  Sailor shorts with buttons, so cute :) I even like the tee she’s wearing.

Kwik Sew 3854

Right now I just need to stay focused on a few projects and not be distracted by the possibilities of new ones :) Shorts weather isn’t exactly around the corner, so there’s time to wait. Um, I think…

Of course, that doesn’t count skirt patterns because I just ordered the new Crescent Skirt from Sewaholic Patterns. Oh, those pre-sale deals! It counts as a practical buy in my opinion, and it works well with quilting fabric so there’s an opportunity for me to start de-stashing! (Never mind the fact I just bought a retro print specifically for this pattern. It reminded me of a historic district of mid-century homes I worked on out in L.A. so I just couldn’t resist!)

Modern Home Aqua by Michael Miller
Have a happy St. Patrick’s Day! Don’t get pinched, okay?

Throwing in the Towel (Kinda)

When I first put together my inspiration board and projects for the Colette Pattern Spring Palette Challenge I planned on making 5 items. Well, there’s no way I will be done by the end of March, but I definitely plan to forge ahead and make them! It was great to have this to get me thinking about my next few projects, and I love seeing what everyone has come up with so far. I had a hunch that things would be really busy around here and sewing time would be minimal, but I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things as spring arrives.

The good news is I have 2 of the planned dresses almost done (and a pair of pants/trousers almost done!).  We should be having sunny days this weekend, the perfect opportunity to take some photos. I also signed up for a fashion drawing and draping class this Sunday, which I’m really excited about! In April I’ll be taking a pattern drafting 5-class course so yay! How many !!! can I fit into a paragraph?

I’ve gotten a few emails about the peacock feather sundress I plan to make, thank you!  That one is top of my list to make, and I can’t wait to get working on it soon.  I haven’t seen too many finished versions, but I’m banking on the fact it’s going to be a very fun dress to wear.

To close, here’s a pretty photo I took of all the buttons in my collection, mostly thrifted, some new.  I plan to use the Mickey Mouse ones found at center for little bags for kids in the family.  This photo (and the wee drawer) just makes me happy- oh the colors, designs and shapes!

Happy weekend!