A Dress for Warm Days Ahead

Hi again! I just wanted to say I’d like to tackle this dress next: Vogue 8380, view A (the green one). I’m thinking about pairing it with this pretty light yellow cotton lawn fabric I picked up at G Street Fabrics in northern Virginia last summer.

I’m going to make a muslin of the top part to see how low cut the bodice is and go from there. It’d be really nice to have it ready in time for a special event a week from tomorrow, but I’m not going to even try to stress out about that! If it’s not ready by then, I’ll just be that much closer to finishing up a dress for warm days ahead. :)

4 thoughts on “A Dress for Warm Days Ahead

  1. I’ve looked at that dress several times but I’m always worried about how reveiling it would be. I look forward to seeing how your muslin works out! sewingforme.wordpress.com

    • I made the muslin today and it doesn’t seem too low cut, at least for me. :) I hope to have the dress sewn sometime soon!

  2. Pingback: I Didn’t Forget You, Vogue 8380! « Sewin' in the Rain

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