I Didn’t Forget You, Vogue 8380!

Howdy do! Just a quick note to say that I plan to turn my attention back to Vogue 8380, but instead of sewing up view A I’m going to switch to view B. I think I’ll get a lot more wear out of it, as it’s a better neckline for work. I made a muslin of the view A bodice and while it wasn’t that revealing I think the yellow bird fabric will look cuter in view B. Plus, I love how the dress looks on the Vogue website, makes me want to make a white version for the beach!

Okay, that’s really all I had to say. Just want to stay focused and get this dress done! Would you believe the big hold up was the fact I hadn’t pre-washed the fabric? Yeah, when you don’t have your own washer/dryer it’s kind of hard to justify spending almost $4 on a load of laundry that is just one piece of fabric (well, I guess that’d be hard to justify even with your own washer/dryer – not very energy efficient!). Definitely went “DOH!!!” when I came back with a clean load of laundry and saw the dress fabric just sitting next to my sewing machine begging to be pre-shrunk. Does this ever happen to you?

Happy weekend. :)

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